1984: George Orwell’s Futuristic Vision and the Author’s Background

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1984: George Orwell’s Futuristic Vision and the Author’s Background

George Orwell’s “1984” is a masterpiece that addresses crucial themes of surveillance, government authority, and individual freedom in contemporary society. Behind the novel lies Orwell’s intriguing background and career, influencing the narrative significantly.

George Orwell’s Background and Career

Born as Eric Arthur Blair in 1903 in the United Kingdom, George Orwell received education in boarding schools and later worked as a police officer and a teacher. Dissatisfied with mundane jobs, Orwell ventured into various occupations.

Writing Background of “1984”

The novel “1984” was influenced by Orwell’s experiences as a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, where he became wary of totalitarian political regimes. Additionally, the post-World War II era and the uncertainties of the Cold War played a role in shaping his writing.

Themes and Predictions in “1984”

Set in a future society, the novel depicts a government’s control filled with surveillance and censorship. Orwell predicted and warned about the powerlessness of individuals and the distortion of truth under a dictatorship. His work continues to offer insights into serious contemporary issues.


George Orwell’s “1984” stands as a masterpiece with sharp insights into societal issues and futuristic predictions. Understanding how his background and career influenced the work adds a deeper layer to the novel.

1984年: ジョージ・オーウェルの未来予測と作家の背景



ジョージ・オーウェル(本名: エリック・アーサー・ブレア)は、1903年にイギリスで生まれました。彼は寄宿学校で教育を受け、その後、警察官や教師として働きました。しかし、オーウェルは単調な仕事に飽き足らず、様々な職業を経験しました。







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