The Birth of the United States

The Birth of the United States

The history of the United States traces back to the colonial era when English settlers arrived on the American continent in the early 17th century, seeking a new life. Initially under British rule, the colonies gradually developed their own identity over time.

Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony

In 1620, a group known as the Pilgrims arrived in America aboard the Mayflower, escaping religious persecution. They landed in what would become Massachusetts and established the Plymouth Colony, a region that would later become part of the United States.

Virginia Colony and Jamestown

In 1607, Jamestown was established as the first successful permanent English colony in America. Known as the Virginia Colony, this region thrived through the cultivation of tobacco, laying the foundation for the American economy.

Revolutionary War and the Formation of the United States

A pivotal moment in American history was the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Colonists, discontent with British rule, sought independence. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, marking the birth of the United States.

Ratification of the United States Constitution

After the Revolutionary War, the United States convened a Constitutional Convention to establish its first federal government. In 1787, during the convention held in Philadelphia, the United States Constitution was drafted, providing the framework for the new nation.

The history of the United States involves numerous trials and developments. This overview highlights a portion of the significant events in the birth of the nation.




1620年、ピルグリム・ファーザーズと呼ばれる一団が、宗教的な迫害から逃れるために船 Mayflower でアメリカに到着しました。彼らはマサチューセッツ州に上陸し、プリマス植民地を設立しました。これは後にアメリカ合衆国の一部となる地域でした。









1776 年 7 月 4 日、独立宣言が採択され、アメリカ合衆国が誕生しました。